another night before

'twas the night before the return of cozily snug;
the mountain broke loose from its roots;
inched its way into a room;
spread its massive breast;'
to crush solitude;
to emancipate the empty mirror;
to trample the indescribable right eye;
the eye that moves recrudescence;
dormant love leaning hindsight;
hindsight blinded by angelism;;;
a hinged departure hobbled mischievous;
hissing odious honor,
neither off-color (dubious)
nor on-color (pure);;
the other animals were in the den
on their backs with feet in the air;
some cuddled into deep fur, sucking teat.

(#16 Fall 1996)





the phantom's fusillade (or armor)

encased in a kind of pavid corset
that pinches the depravity he juggles;
he disappeared when he stoped talking;;
the poem that lives within this animal,
this magical juggler, is a maniacal error
onanistically hallucinated;
his fragrant misery lives within his bloated nares
so that on inspiration, he is stabbed
by his very own majestic maledictions;;;
I met him once; his brilliance left me dumbfounded;
the stench he trails is that of decomposed memories
stagnating a psychic sanctuary that houses torches
which light the phallic lamps of our dreams.

(#17 Winter 1997)





on the death of an undying love

in his wild shyness
the man with two kisses
has requested my tears;
pressed flat by decrepit gaucheries;
(cry, damn it, cry!)
in this violet darkness
(this sack cloth of modernity)
I carry his heart in the teeth of my skull;
the oils of Extreme Unction
drip softly from the gaping valves;
mea culpas cachinate
at the skirt of a bosomless wretch;;;
the children are cold;
they beg for mittens and scarves;
for kisses before they are used up;
there in the shadows
biting the neck of a grappling vulgarity

(#19 Summer 1997)



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